Hey, hey! I know, I know I haven't written a blog post in 27 days, yikes. Don't beat me up too bad. Adjusting what seems like a weekly new normal since Covid-19 invaded the world has been challenging. Some days better than others but still an adjustment none the less. This is not a Coronavirus post so no worries you can keep reading.
Per previous blog post "Woes of a Fat Girl..." there are numerous factors that make life a little harder or complicated if you will. The common denominator of it all is excess weight...obesity. I have some health concerns that would probably go away if I worked on that commonality. During the last few months I have been managing it all but I must admit I have become completely unhappy with how much I have neglected my health overall. Confidence, style, and status has been my lifelong justifiers but lately its not working...it's no longer enough or an excuse at all. In all my 31 years of life I have never been unhappy with myself. I say all that to say I have finally made up my mind to do something about it.
I have heard of and tried many "diets" over the years. Some worked and others didn't because I never stuck with it long enough. Let's be transparent. I recall losing 9 pounds doing strict KETO. I was excited but fell back down the well of fast food and sugary beverages whenever I had an emotional day. As a social worker by profession that was more often than I'd like it to be. I tried Herbal Life too, I couldn't get use to that milky consistency. I still have one occasionally but I don't follow a regimen. I'm a complicated individual. One who loves routine but also spontaneity and versatility. Weird right? I know.
I have some supportive folks, some judgmental and others who just don't care. I really want to do well but I found myself trying to please everything that didn't benefit my health goals. Example: Meet fitness expectations I wasn't ready for. The light bulb got a little brighter about two weeks ago and I began to speak life into myself and simply do what works for me. I was already suffering physically I refuse to suffer mentally too. I admitted my problem areas and began to put a lifestyle change in motion. About 2 weeks ago, on a random Wednesday I started drinking a gallon of water per day and haven't stopped since. I saw a great amazon deal via Instagram and TikTok (@savewithfelix) where a "Bottled Joy" was just $4 instead of the $10 originally advertised with a discount code from Felix. I started my journey as soon as it arrived via Amazon prime. I even got my Big Brother one.
Speaking of which my Brother started the KETO lifestyle about 3 months ago. He has loss about 30 pounds if not more. By example he has motivated me tremendously. Since then I have incorporated many keto meals and snacks daily.
I try my best to stay away from carbs and sweets. I still have some if I just cant shake it. I found that not depriving myself prevents a full blown binge. If I want some juice I get a gulp or two instead of a whole 32 oz. cup. I have also discarded a lot of the larger cups I have at home. I have a designated 8 oz. cup that I reward myself 1-2 times a week with juice. Sodas are a thing of the past. I do miss my ginger-ale tho...
They say when you see results it will drive you to keep going....IT'S TRUE. Since I have incorporated keto meals/snacks, gallon per day, and some walking I have loss 10 pounds in the last month or so. That's another thing, although weight loss is my goal I am not a slave to that scale. I get on maybe twice a week that's it. Occasionally my cardiologists will recommend weighing in daily if I'm retaining a lot of fluid due to high blood pressure but I haven't had much fluid build up lately. *insert praise here* For this reason I would never try the gallon a day because I figured I'm trying to get rid of fluid why would I add a gallon of it?! But my my my how things have changed.
I am not unhappy anymore. Another lease on a healthy life has been signed. Follow me on Instagram for daily water motivation and overall accountability. I don't share it all but what I do share is monumental to me. I would never even consider any of this not too long ago. Encouragement welcomed. I know WE CAN DO THIS!
Love and Light,